Ref: DRGRW19076
Brand: Cultilite
Quasar 630 Led 3.2 mmol/J Cultilite
The Quasar 630 Led 3.2 mmol/J by Cultilite is a full-spectrum 630W lamp with 3.2 µmol/J efficiency and Samsung diodes. Ideal for indoor growing.
Ref: DRGRW19076
Brand: Cultilite
The Quasar 630 Led 3.2 mmol/J by Cultilite is a full-spectrum 630W lamp with 3.2 µmol/J efficiency and Samsung diodes. Ideal for indoor growing.
Ref: DRGRW18377
Brand: Kleaner
Kleaner Anti THC: 30 ml bottle without spray. Removes residues from mouth and skin. Immediate effect for one hour. Pack of 12 pieces.
Ref: DRGRW18380
Brand: Kleaner
Kleaner Anti THC: Box of 30 sachets, 6 ml each, for oral and body hygiene. Immediate effect lasting at least one hour. Practical single-dose format.
Ref: 0002STSHN
Brand: Canapasso Martin Weed
Hemp Berry Cream CBD Premium: resinous flowers with a sweet, creamy scent and blueberry notes. Premium quality, made in Italy.
Brand: Canapasso Martin Weed
Hemp Berry Cheese with aromatic inflorescences, quality CBD, #1 genetics, carefully cultivated in 2023 from a unique experience.
Ref: DRGRW15430
Brand: Qnubu California
Qnubu California offers with its Pop Cone 120 Containers the safest option for packaging your blunts.
Ref: DRGRW458
Brand: Advanced Nutrients
Make your flowers bigger with Big Bud 500ml by Advanced Nutrients by helping your plants to breathe, metabolise and produce in quality.
Ref: DRGRW460
Brand: Advanced Nutrients
Rendi i tuoi fiori più grandi con Big Bud 5L di Advanced Nutrients aiutando le tue piante a respirare, metabolizzare e produrre in qualità.
Ref: DRGRW16205
Brand: Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud Powder In Polvere 130Gr Advanced Nutrients
Ref: EBDRGRW1915
Brand: Advanced Nutrients
Tarantula 250ml di Advanced Nutrients è un prodotto dalla formulazione avanzata e altamente concentrata che vi aiuterà ad ottenere piante più sane e più resistenti agli stess ambientali e alle malattie.
Ref: DRGRW14199
Brand: Advanced Nutrients
The pH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow A+B 500ml by Advanced Nutrients is ideal for the flowering phase and will keep the pH in the right range.
Ref: DRGRW11808
Brand: Advanced Nutrients
Il pH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow A+B è l'ideale per la fase di fioritura e manterrà il pH in autonomia hai giusti parametri.
Ref: DRGRW2035
Brand: Advanced Nutrients
ll fertilizzante contiene la tecnologia PH PERFECT Grow che elimina definitivamente il fastidio di dover misurare e correggere manualmente il Ph ad ogni somministrazione della soluzione nutritiva.
Ref: DRGRW1138
Brand: Advanced Nutrients
ll fertilizzante contiene la tecnologia PH PERFECT Grow che elimina definitivamente il fastidio di dover misurare e correggere manualmente il Ph ad ogni somministrazione della soluzione nutritiva.
Ref: DRGRW506
Brand: Advanced Nutrients
ll fertilizzante contiene la tecnologia PH PERFECT Grow che elimina definitivamente il fastidio di dover misurare e correggere manualmente il Ph ad ogni somministrazione della soluzione nutritiva.
Ref: DRGRW14216
Brand: Advanced Nutrients
Using Big Bud Coconut 10L by Advanced Nutrients has the same benefits as the infamous Big Bud Original but its formula is optimised for coco coir subsoils.
Ref: DRGRW18241
Brand: Advanced Nutrients
Cultivator Series Base 10Kg di Advaced Nutriers è un fertilizzante idrosolubile in 3 parti per coltivatori, ottimizza resa, terpeni e qualità dei fiori.
Ref: DRGRW18239
Brand: Advanced Nutrients
Cultivator Series Base 1Kg di Advaced Nutriers è un fertilizzante idrosolubile in 3 parti per coltivatori, ottimizza resa, terpeni e qualità dei fiori.