Ref: DRGRW19076
Brand: Cultilite
Quasar 630 Led 3.2 mmol/J Cultilite
The Quasar 630 Led 3.2 mmol/J by Cultilite is a full-spectrum 630W lamp with 3.2 µmol/J efficiency and Samsung diodes. Ideal for indoor growing.
Ref: DRGRW19076
Brand: Cultilite
The Quasar 630 Led 3.2 mmol/J by Cultilite is a full-spectrum 630W lamp with 3.2 µmol/J efficiency and Samsung diodes. Ideal for indoor growing.
Ref: DRGRW18377
Brand: Kleaner
Kleaner Anti THC: 30 ml bottle without spray. Removes residues from mouth and skin. Immediate effect for one hour. Pack of 12 pieces.
Ref: DRGRW18380
Brand: Kleaner
Kleaner Anti THC: Box of 30 sachets, 6 ml each, for oral and body hygiene. Immediate effect lasting at least one hour. Practical single-dose format.
Ref: 0002STSHN
Brand: Canapasso Martin Weed
Hemp Berry Cream CBD Premium: resinous flowers with a sweet, creamy scent and blueberry notes. Premium quality, made in Italy.
Brand: Canapasso Martin Weed
Hemp Berry Cheese with aromatic inflorescences, quality CBD, #1 genetics, carefully cultivated in 2023 from a unique experience.
Ref: DRGRW15430
Brand: Qnubu California
Qnubu California offers with its Pop Cone 120 Containers the safest option for packaging your blunts.
Brand: Assemblati
Ref: DRGRW18375
Brand: Secret Jardin
For Twenty 100: Kit di coltivazione in casa con basso consumo. alta efficienza. facile montaggio e area di crescita 60x40x116 cm.
Ref: DRGRW18376
Brand: Secret Jardin
The Original 60: Kit di coltivazione domestica versatile. con illuminazione LED. basso consumo e ampie opzioni di configurazione.
Ref: DRGRW17029
Brand: Secret Jardin
Kit Secret Jardin per semi e talee indoor. include Grow Box. LED. kit Cosmorrow e termoigrometro. Facile montaggio e manutenzione.
Ref: DRGRW17031
Brand: Secret Jardin
Kit coltivazione Secret Jardin per semi e talee. ideale per tutte le fasi fino alla crescita. con illuminazione LED. estrattore e termoigrometro.
Ref: DRGRW17033
Brand: Secret Jardin
Kit coltivazione Dark Propagator 90GR Secret Jardin. ideale come stanza complementare per le prime fasi di crescita delle piante.
Ref: DRGRW17034
Brand: Secret Jardin
Kit completo Dark Street 120 Wide Secret Jardin. perfetto per l'intero ciclo di coltivazione dal seme al raccolto. facile da montare.
Ref: DRGRW17035
Brand: Secret Jardin
Grow Kit Dark Street by Secret Jardin 150WFS Full Spectrum. ideal for a complete growth cycle with adjustable lighting.
Ref: DRGRW17036
Brand: Secret Jardin
Kit coltivazione Dark Street Secret Jardin 60FS Full Spectrum. flessibile e potente. ideale per l'intero ciclo di crescita delle piante.
Ref: DRGRW17032
Brand: Secret Jardin
Kit L100FS Secret Jardin per coltivazione indoor. gestisce 3 fasi in una growbox con illuminazione impermeabile. estrattore e filtri eccellenti.
Ref: DRGRW17030
Brand: Secret Jardin
Kit L100FS per coltivazione indoor con growbox per 3 fasi. illuminazione duratura. estrattore regolabile e filtri a carbone attivo.
Brand: Assemblati
Guaranteed Successful Kit Grow Box Economy for indoor cultivation with Secret Jardin, Plagron soil, and 150W Pure LED for your success.